Dollar Match Day

Wednesday 12 June, 10am AEST

Thanks to Northern Star Resources

Our friends at Northern Star Resources are generously matching the first $100,000* worth of donations made on Wednesday 12 June.

You can
double your impact with all funds raised for Lifeline, headspace and The Push for Better Foundation going towards critical mental health services and programs across Australia.   

How it works

It’s easy. Donations made to your page on Wednesday 12 June from 10am AEST will be matched dollar for dollar by Northern Star Resources, until 11:59pm AEST the same day – or until the $100,000 runs out*. We're pumped!

So, a $50 donation becomes $100. A $100 donation becomes $200. You get the gist. All matched donations will appear on your fundraising page the next day.

Be quick! Hit up your friends, family and workmates beforehand so they're ready to go when it all starts.

Donations made to Facebook Fundraisers do not qualify for dollar matching, so make sure you share your fundraising page link when asking for donations

We've got some FAQs if you fancy scrolling down further for a read. *Terms & Conditions apply. 

Three things to help get your donations doubled


Hit up your family and friends and tell them that they have a golden opportunity to make twice the impact on mental health.

Share your fundraising page link with them and get them to donate to your page from 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June.

Keep scrolling for an email template to get you started.


Share a link to your fundraising page on Facebook, Insta or LinkedIn (or elsewhere) to get donations to your page.

The more people who donate to your page from 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June, the better. Remind them to get in quick though, as dollar matching funds will run out.

Keep scrolling for some social tiles and captions you can use. 


We understand that fundraising isn't everyone's jam. If you've considered making a self-donation to your page, Dollar Match Day would be the time.

Even a small self donation will make a difference to mental health in Australia. 

Be ready to head to your page at 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June to donate from there.

Handy resources

Never have the words 'sharing is caring' meant so much. Share the news of Dollar Match Day far and wide with these social tiles, suggested captions and email template.

Social media resources:

Help me double my impact on mental health by supporting The Push for Better Foundation. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar from 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June. Be quick - dollar match funds won't last! Please donate to help fund a more physically and mentally healthy future for all Australians.

Tip: Remember to include your fundraising page link. Find it on your Dashboard.

Help me double my impact on mental health by supporting Lifeline. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar from 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June. Be quick - dollar match funds won't last! Please donate to help fund a more physically and mentally healthy future for all Australians.

Tip: Remember to include your fundraising page link. Find it on your Dashboard.

Help me double my impact on mental health by supporting headspace. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar from 10am AEST Wednesday 12 June. Be quick - dollar match funds won't last! Please donate to help fund a more physically and mentally healthy future for all Australians.

Tip: Remember to include your fundraising page link. Find it on your Dashboard.

Your support will go a long way to #pushforbetter mental health across Australia.

Email template:


I'm smashing out a heap of push-ups in The Push-Up Challenge this month to push for better mental health in Australia. I'm raising funds for much-needed mental health services and initiatives, and would love your support, no matter how big or small.
Your donation will be matched (that means it'll double in value) if you donate from 10am AEST on 12 June (as long as your donation is within the first $100,000 of donations).

You can donate to my fundraising page here:


Thanks for your support! Together, we're making a difference to mental health in Australia.

Dollar Match Day FAQs

How does Dollar Match Day work?

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It’s easy. All donations made to your page on Wednesday 12 June from 10am AEST will be matched dollar for dollar by Northern Star Resources, until 11:59pm AEST the same day – or until the $100,000 runs out. 

So, a $50 donation becomes $100. A $100 donation becomes $200. You get the gist. All matched donations will appear on your fundraising page the next day.

Please note: Donations made to Facebook Fundraisers do not qualify for dollar matching. Additional Terms & Conditions apply. 

When does Dollar Match Day start and end?

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Dollar matching starts on Wednesday 12 June at 10am AEST and ends at 11.59pm AEST the same day, or until the $100,000 cap is reached

We will post on our Facebook page after the matched amount has been used up.

What can I do to share the news about Dollar Match Day?

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Tell everyone about Dollar Match Day. Share your fundraising page (find it here) far and wide to get the donations rolling in. You can do this via email, socials, telephone, word-of-mouth, or carrier pigeon, anything goes.

We’ve got some dollar matching resources ready to go at the top of this page and in the app.

Or donate to yourself.

Where are the Terms and Conditions for Dollar Match Day?

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You can find our Terms & Conditions here and an explanation of the key conditions of Dollar Match Day can be found at the top of this page.

Are all donations matched?

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The first $100,000 worth of donations after 10am AEST on 12 June will be dollar matched.

These donations can be to Individual, Team or Community pages, or direct to a charity beneficiary. Donations made while the Dollar Matching pot is available will qualify.

Donations made via Facebook Fundraisers do not qualify for dollar matching. 

Do Faceboook Fundraiser donations qualify for dollar matching? 

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Unfortunately not. Only donations made directly to your page can qualify for dollar matching. The first $100,000 worth of donations after 10am AEST on 12 June will be dollar matched.

These donations can be to Individual, Team or Community pages, or direct to a charity beneficiary. Donations made while the Dollar Matching pot is available will qualify. 

Remember to share your fundraising page link (find it here) to ask for donations. 

How much is being matched?

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Northern Star Resources is making this Dollar Match Day possible, by generously matching up to the first $100,000 worth of donations made on 12 June 2024 after 10am AEST and before 11.59pm AEST.

Will matched donations show on my page straight away?

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Matched donations will appear on your page by the end of Thursday 13 June - the day after Dollar Match Day.

Who is sponsoring Dollar Match Day?

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Our Dollar Match Day is very kindly sponsored by Northern Star Resources who are contributing the entire $100,000 matching fund. 

If your company or anyone else you know might be interested in being a headline supporter of a Dollar Matching Day in the future, or any other aspect of The Push-Up Challenge, please get in touch.

Will you do more Dollar Match days?

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We hope so. 

Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions apply to Dollar Match Day.