Be part of the push for better mental health

Find out how your school can be involved in Australia's largest mental health and fitness event.

Engage your school in mental health

The Push-Up Challenge is a unique and fun way for schools to encourage better mental health and wellbeing through physical activity, connection and mental health education.

We have schools from all states and territories across Australia taking part. In 2024, we had more than 33,000 school participants join us in The Push-Up Challenge.

School resources

We partnered with headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation to develop these handy resources for the classroom. You can use these at any time of the year to empower your students to push for better mental health.

Express your school's interest for 2025

Why get on board


Free to sign up
It doesn't cost anything to do something great for the physical and mental fitness of your students and teachers.


Reduces stigma 
Talking about mental health can encourage students and teachers to speak openly and seek help when they need it.


Fosters a positive and supportive community spirit
The Challenge unites teachers and students of all ages through one epic shared goal, creating a sense of connection and belonging.

Empowers students to make a difference
Your students and broader school community can make a real impact by opting to raise money for one of these mental health charities.

Learn about mental health together
Get clued up about mental health and how to support yourself and others with our daily mental health facts.

Have some fun!
There are plenty of fun ways to stay motivated, like hosting a friendly competition between classes, factions or sibling schools.

Can primary schools join the challenge?

We've had a heap of primary schools take part - all it takes is a little adapting of the push-ups and mental health content to ensure it is age appropriate. Get in touch and we can send you more info.

"Being an all-boys school, The Push Up Challenge has made extremely valuable advancements in my peers ability to have those hard, vulnerable conversations in a really casual but effective way. For the senior students, it’s provided us with competition, an outlet for stress and several important reminders to keep on looking after ourselves mentally and physically while we’re so caught up in school."

- Dylan, St Bede's College, VIC

Want more?

Check out this case study from Dungog High School, NSW to see the impact The Push-Up Challenge had on students, teachers and the whole school community.